Please follow aftercare instructions for best results.
Collagen and elastin takes 4 weeks to produce. Some people may see results starting immediately after treatment but full results aren’t seen till 10 weeks. The skin cycle is 4-6 weeks and will start to show results from any procedure or new skin care regimen.
A skin cycle is when the new cells created at the deepest layer of the epidermis and mature as they rise to the surface of the skin, and are then shed.
Fibroblast Healing Guide
You may resume MOST activities right after any treatment but you may not feel comfortable going out during the healing process. Clients usually have 4 - 14 days of dots depending on the area (5 - 7 days of dots on average), usually followed by some redness that will gradually diminish.
Do not pick scabs! Removing the scabs prematurely may result in scarring and discoloration. Allow scabs to come off on their own. This will produce the best possible result and avoid scarring, hyperpigmentation and infection. If you feel the scabs are accidentally being rubbed off prematurely or you skin is feeling dry, then protect them by applying Aquaphor to prevent falling off too early. The longer the scabs take to come off the more the skin has a chance to heal itself.
Ice the treated area using a clean towel to cover the ice pack each use. Alternate 20 minutes on and off for up to 1 hour for the first 3 days as needed.
Keep the area clean using a mild, unscented, alcohol free cleanser. Do not let the the water from the shower run over your dots they should only be wet for the time you are cleaning the area. PAT DRY- KEEP DRY!
Ice, Acetaminophen is ok for any discomfort for the first couple of days. Swelling is normal, we want an inflammation response during this time. Arnica or anti-inflammatory on day 4 may be taken.
Sleep slightly elevated on your back to help prevent swelling or rubbing on the area.
IMPORTANT! Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds to the treated area. Once the scabbing process is complete, always apply broad spectrum SPF 50 or higher to the area for a minimum of 3 months after your last treatment. This skin is still healing and can easily become damaged by any UV rays and may cause hyperpigmentation and/or premature aging.
It is not recommended to exercising right after a treatment because any heat, steam or sweat will cause more inflammation. Do not use any pools, hot tubs or saunas until after the dots have fallen off and your skin has had some time to heal.
Do not apply any makeup until the scabs has fallen off completely. This is to prevent infection or disruption of the scabs.
Dry healing is preferred but if your scabs become intolerably itchy, then you may safely apply Aquaphor up to three times per day to help manage itchiness.
Collagen, vitamin c and L-lysine supplements are recommended to take over the course of your healing process can give your immune system and collagen production a boost.
Avoid smoking.
Avoid shaving over any area that has been treated until the skin has fully healed.
After the dots have fallen off on their own, you may use makeup to cover any redness. If you feel your skin is ready, you may start using a gentle chemical/enzyme exfoliant can help to create a smoother surface from the peeling that is typical at this stage of healing. New skin under the scabs will appear pink, as the skin heals it will return to normal coloration.
Do not use any harsh acids, physical exfoliants or peels on your skin until you have reached the 8 weeks post treatment healing point.